I second everything expressed by David. A great resource for this is Law for Mankind. They cover an incredibly simple way to stop paying taxes as well as express your rights and uphold them in court. The reality is that none of us are taxpayers, citizens, residents, or any other titles. We are Man and Woman. When we stop taking on titles, we can we can express our law freely as Man and Woman and recognize that we are already unbeholden to acts, codes, and statues of the de facto US Inc. The “government” only has authority over fictional titles, not Man and Woman. A very simple notice can be written to clear up any IRS audits or controversy. The more people that stop paying taxes, the less power and energy we give to the system.
Thank you, Misha. Would you happen to have a link for this Law Of Mankind material? A quick search brought me to an outfit charging almost $1,000 for any info on it. “This is why we can’t have nice things!” Comes to mind…
Absolutely. Here’s a link to a free Q&A video about the course. It’s definitely a financial investment but it’s worth way more than the price point. It’s not just a hack to get out of taxes. It’s truly life changing material.
Ah, so this is a link to participate in a business venture, as a paying client, for a product of questionable value. Questionable because one must pay to determine its content. Very disappointing…. Were I in possession of knowledge which might help my neighbor, I would not erect a fence afore it, but would offer it freely. Very disappointed indeed. #internetsocietysucksass. Bring back an honest day’s work and a handshake
Law for Mankind is certainly not for everyone. If you don’t feel called to it then perhaps it is not right for you. I share the link because i feel this course truly has the power to change the world. I am curious what you mean by “one must pay to determine its content.” The Q&A is free, they have a free mini course on the website, and a free ebook. Yes you have to join the membership by creating an account but this is because Greg conducts his affairs in the private. The structure of the website alone is a living example of a working private membership group outside of any “government”jurisdiction.
Please understand that this is an incredibly nuanced subject. What works for one person will not necessarily work for others. This also cannot be taken as "legal advice" as I am not a member of the BAR (the BAR is a captured entity that is responsible for the majority of the corruption in our modern society.) I'm simply sharing what I have learned and experienced.
It's more about the underlying sovereignty of the individual involved but basically, one should initially stop filling out THEIR forms. Every document that they "require" you to fill out is an offer to contract but there are multiple ways to handle taxation. The IRS must be handled in a different manner than suing your property tax assessor/county for fraud under color of law in federal district court. Research the difference between a 14th Amendment "citizen" (notice the small "c") and an American National, de jure Citizen). Also research about how the 16th (and 14th) Amendment was never formally ratified. All government derives its power by treating natural beings (you and I) as corporations. The Ens Legis/strawman that you create when getting a driver's license is a perfect example - the right to "travel" freely upon public roadways without compulsory licensing/registration, has been repeatedly upheld via SCOTUS precedent because "Driving" is actually the act of travelling in a commercial context. This is why government obfuscates by using legal terms that have far different meanings than what is commonly believed. Legally, "person" and "individual" are both corporate entities. A "motor vehicle" is used in a commercial context (vs an automobile)j. I recommend getting a couple of different editions of Black's Law because you'll learn all about legal words like "mandate".
Eventually, you'll come to realize that the IRS is literally a foreign corporation operating as a debt collector. Of course, being able to understand this information is predicated on one knowing the difference between the UNITED STATES service corporation and the de jure United States republic. This information is highly-obfuscated by mainstream sources but is nonetheless true.
Removing oneself from the contractual obligations to perform that one might not even realize they've acquired, is key. This includes any kind of license (marriage, medical, drivers, social security, etc...). As the majority of these contracts are based largely upon fraud, removing yourself from them isn't as hard as people think.
Do you have any specific recommendations for researching the 14th amendment? so much of what comes up when I start to look into it is very pro-14th amendment...
Here's a link to a site that explains a lot about this topic. Also, understand that sites like Google/Wikipedia are mainstream consensus-based echo chambers so you can often find information about more controversial topics by using alternative search engines, like Yandex.com.
As you say, Debra, a complex situation. It's one that I've struggled to get my head around. Not so much the concept, as the practicalities and ramifications.
I would ask you two rhetorical questions: When you do think you might have a "spare" $1000? When was the last time you had a "spare" $1000 sitting around unassigned?
I'm not suggesting you should enrol for Law for Mankind or any other course that might get you out of the public and into the private.
However, if you were to get out of the public realm and stop paying taxes, how much money in taxes would you save every year?
You're welcome. While some paid training can absolutely be beneficial (like Dr. Grave's $250 Jurisdictionary course that will help one familiarize themselves with/navigate through the complex legal system), I'd actually recommend exploring some of the many resources/paths towards sovereignty that you can still find for free on platforms like YouTube (Mike and Barre's Alfa Vedic being one). I'd be happy to share some channels that I've curated over the last few years.
Well I claimed exempt and so has my husband and he works for a major corporation. Actually you can goggle the IRS tax code 601.602 that says they are voluntary and you can unsubscribe. We personally just claim exempt and accounts can't ask why. I had one give me a hard time and I stood firm and now I have my own small business. What we've decided is, if they want to come ask us and it, then I have some words for them. I want to see the receipts. I know the money goes to Puerto Rico, then the Royals and then the Vatican and to our ALL CAPS STRAWMAN accounts they've created for us all. I'm not funding their murder, deception, lying, division, chemtrails, genocide, etc. I'm opting out of paying a vampire to steal away my rights and them selling them back to me, while simultaneously poisoning and trying to kill me. We stand firm on this and honestly haven't been bothered. I think the IRS has been dismantled. You do you, but I can't consciously fund criminal terrorist organizations and will stand firm if needed. You just say no.
Great post, Mike! "The Republic" (in my estimation) was always and only meant to be a paper document for reference. And notice how quickly the tenets of this esteemed "constitution" came under fire through the Judicial branch. Followed by the Legislative branch. And then, as you noted, the Executive branch was suddenly granted powers that were never outlined in the original "Constitution."
I grew up on a self-sustaining farm, so I am keen on the notion that generational trauma (built into the tyrannical grand agenda) has led to the degradation of family and farming. Our closeness with the land/water/sky and Nature in general was targeted by the frequency-manipulating psychopaths.
Mike, thank you so much for what you do. I loved listening to part 1 and 2. I don’t think enough people understand or appreciate the deep value and scholarship you bring (for free!). And most importantly, you're a much needed example of living in alignment with your values.
I am also not voting; I refuse to feed the system.
I feel like living in integrity is not a hard choice once you've acquired enough embodied wisdom, it happens almost effortlessly.
So much of this (even beyond the issue of voting) is a manifestation of humanity's level of consciousness.
For me, it's a combination of trust in God's divine plan and attempting to live in the most authentic way possible (which includes being a model and wayshower for others, both personally and professionally, driven by natural law, by way of my lived experience and continued growth/lessons learned.)
What you shared in part one regarding full transparency (being able to psychically attune to truth vs falsehood) is already happening, many of us can feel into the frequency of truth. I love that you noted that since I also see that's where we are headed as well. People need to understand that it's getting harder and harder to get away with BS.
Thank you again for the depth of your work, and you continue to inspire me!
Thank you for part 2. I’ve heard bits and pieces of how our governing system became corrupt but hearing all the history from the beginning was very helpful to understand how we got here. My intuition has led me to the idea that voting doesn’t really matter but after hearing this it makes more sense based on facts. It seems to me like all the political issues are cyclical and never really get solved and like government is just a bunch of people running around in circles getting nothing done but portraying to the public that they are doing important work. I’ve always thought the power really lies in the individual and the choices they make. Change is an accumulation of decisions and choices by each individual. I like the idea of voting with my dollar and investing in things that aren’t in the system but it definitely is a process as I find myself in this entangled web of habitual and an illusory dependence on so many parts of this current system. Thanks for your post.
Excellent analysis! Global Humanity, using Logic, Wisdom, Mindfulness, and Balance. That is why I practice the reality of 'Autonomy' and 'Anachon' existing in Natural Law.
"Are you willing to give yourself the Free-dom to choose a new beginning/mindset"
There is an optimal experience related to population density. We are psychologically designed for a much smaller scale for interaction. Our age of global organization has afforded a population density that we simply don't function well in.
Wow, Mike. Thank you. That was super inspiring. Especially your last few sentences. It inspired new ideas for me. Love it when it lands as if it were there all the time - because it was. Just needed community to help me spiral upwards 💫
I’m learning how to “stand in my square”. It’s a deep process and is superb scary, at times. Would love more in person community as I make my way in this journey. Anyone here live in South Carolina?
Appreciate this perspective. I had already vowed not to vote this go-round but the rationale presented in this podcast bolstered my conviction. My first podcast with you Mike Winner. thank you kindly!
It was said that: " if everyone stopped participating". I haven't seen a life event where there was 100% compliance as the saying implies. Talking about something that has almost zero chance of happening, to me that is an illusion.
I think my comments are getting deleted? Censored? Not voting and we don't pay taxes. We refuse to support criminal terrorist organizations ever again.
Because statists will never understand sovereignty or the ridiculous system of duality that keeps the herd polarized and divided. If voting mattered, they wouldn't allow it so instead, they give the sheep the illusion of having a semblance of control... when in reality, the entire game is rigged and both sides are just different toilets for the same shit.
I get why voting on a federal level would seem futile, but what about your own county or state? You’re literally voting for people you can meet up and talk to over a cup of coffee. I just spoke with one of the candidates running for state treasurer. We went to high school together. At least in rural Vermont where I live local “politics” are pretty accessible. The main dichotomy here in VT is trying to ensure locals can keep living here and don’t get priced out by implants from wealthier parts of the socioeconomic spectrum. So on a local level when it comes to managing our state and especially our towns, what do you suggest we do?
I suggest that you do whatever works for you. Personally, I will not give away ANY of my sovereignty - nor will I accept arbitrary/capricious rules imposed upon me by others when my primary consideration is to live my life how I want, with the caveat of doing no harm to others.
From my perspective, the system is simply not capable of changing for the better because the vast majority of Western society is trapped in a nihilistic, spiritually unconscious state, where power will almost always eventually corrupt even the best of intentions. We aren't meant to allow others to have this level of authority over us - society has just conditioned us to accept this absurd belief.
I vote with how I spend my time and money , and it’s mostly healing my body and spending time in my garden 🌿 if anyone asks me again why I’m not voting I may link these talks as you’ve done a great job explaining so many important details , thanks Mike!
Lol the electoral college isn't the problem you moron. It's designed to prevent mob rule by balancing the power in the cities (and mob rule by sheep) with the rural vote in less populated areas. The cities would decide every election without out. You know like if actually if you could vote for an anti-zionist
Only democrats are against the electoral college. Can you put 2 and 2 together? They own the cities right? So why would they care about it? Read above again.
And if you think democracy is good you should try reading some books. They figured this out over 2000 years ago. The ability to brainwash people through media is more powerful than ever (obviously) therefore whoever controls the media controls the vote.
Did you even learn anything from this post?You seem like the type to love having the last word, so you can have it because anyone who can't see that Democrats and Republicans are two wings of the same bird is not worth discussing politics with.
The existence of the electoral college and the corruption of our Jewish government are two separate issues. You brought up the electoral college as if that's an important issue and you couldn't be any more lost if you think that's a problem let alone a significant one.
It's a long and hard process to de-program mind control. Voting keeps up the illusion that the people are in control. Authority is violence. Voting is immoral for a thousand reasons, one being that it's giving other people rights that we don't have (the right to murder and kidnap etc...). Also unless I'm a dupe, it seems like they are currently both supporting genocide. Hello???
Not voting and we quit paying taxes years ago. Not supporting criminal terrorist organizations ever again.
Could you share how you figured out not to pay taxes? I am exploring some ways but it seems complicated.
I second everything expressed by David. A great resource for this is Law for Mankind. They cover an incredibly simple way to stop paying taxes as well as express your rights and uphold them in court. The reality is that none of us are taxpayers, citizens, residents, or any other titles. We are Man and Woman. When we stop taking on titles, we can we can express our law freely as Man and Woman and recognize that we are already unbeholden to acts, codes, and statues of the de facto US Inc. The “government” only has authority over fictional titles, not Man and Woman. A very simple notice can be written to clear up any IRS audits or controversy. The more people that stop paying taxes, the less power and energy we give to the system.
Thanks for this Misha! Couldn’t agree more!
Thank you. I have seen this. $1000. And comes with risks. Maybe in the future. I like the idea but it is a lot of money for me right now.
Thank you, Misha. Would you happen to have a link for this Law Of Mankind material? A quick search brought me to an outfit charging almost $1,000 for any info on it. “This is why we can’t have nice things!” Comes to mind…
Absolutely. Here’s a link to a free Q&A video about the course. It’s definitely a financial investment but it’s worth way more than the price point. It’s not just a hack to get out of taxes. It’s truly life changing material.
Ah, so this is a link to participate in a business venture, as a paying client, for a product of questionable value. Questionable because one must pay to determine its content. Very disappointing…. Were I in possession of knowledge which might help my neighbor, I would not erect a fence afore it, but would offer it freely. Very disappointed indeed. #internetsocietysucksass. Bring back an honest day’s work and a handshake
Law for Mankind is certainly not for everyone. If you don’t feel called to it then perhaps it is not right for you. I share the link because i feel this course truly has the power to change the world. I am curious what you mean by “one must pay to determine its content.” The Q&A is free, they have a free mini course on the website, and a free ebook. Yes you have to join the membership by creating an account but this is because Greg conducts his affairs in the private. The structure of the website alone is a living example of a working private membership group outside of any “government”jurisdiction.
Please understand that this is an incredibly nuanced subject. What works for one person will not necessarily work for others. This also cannot be taken as "legal advice" as I am not a member of the BAR (the BAR is a captured entity that is responsible for the majority of the corruption in our modern society.) I'm simply sharing what I have learned and experienced.
It's more about the underlying sovereignty of the individual involved but basically, one should initially stop filling out THEIR forms. Every document that they "require" you to fill out is an offer to contract but there are multiple ways to handle taxation. The IRS must be handled in a different manner than suing your property tax assessor/county for fraud under color of law in federal district court. Research the difference between a 14th Amendment "citizen" (notice the small "c") and an American National, de jure Citizen). Also research about how the 16th (and 14th) Amendment was never formally ratified. All government derives its power by treating natural beings (you and I) as corporations. The Ens Legis/strawman that you create when getting a driver's license is a perfect example - the right to "travel" freely upon public roadways without compulsory licensing/registration, has been repeatedly upheld via SCOTUS precedent because "Driving" is actually the act of travelling in a commercial context. This is why government obfuscates by using legal terms that have far different meanings than what is commonly believed. Legally, "person" and "individual" are both corporate entities. A "motor vehicle" is used in a commercial context (vs an automobile)j. I recommend getting a couple of different editions of Black's Law because you'll learn all about legal words like "mandate".
Eventually, you'll come to realize that the IRS is literally a foreign corporation operating as a debt collector. Of course, being able to understand this information is predicated on one knowing the difference between the UNITED STATES service corporation and the de jure United States republic. This information is highly-obfuscated by mainstream sources but is nonetheless true.
Removing oneself from the contractual obligations to perform that one might not even realize they've acquired, is key. This includes any kind of license (marriage, medical, drivers, social security, etc...). As the majority of these contracts are based largely upon fraud, removing yourself from them isn't as hard as people think.
Do you have any specific recommendations for researching the 14th amendment? so much of what comes up when I start to look into it is very pro-14th amendment...
Here's a link to a site that explains a lot about this topic. Also, understand that sites like Google/Wikipedia are mainstream consensus-based echo chambers so you can often find information about more controversial topics by using alternative search engines, like Yandex.com.
thanks for the very thoughtful and articulate reply--a complex situation that one would do best to take the course when the funds are available
As you say, Debra, a complex situation. It's one that I've struggled to get my head around. Not so much the concept, as the practicalities and ramifications.
I would ask you two rhetorical questions: When you do think you might have a "spare" $1000? When was the last time you had a "spare" $1000 sitting around unassigned?
I'm not suggesting you should enrol for Law for Mankind or any other course that might get you out of the public and into the private.
However, if you were to get out of the public realm and stop paying taxes, how much money in taxes would you save every year?
You're welcome. While some paid training can absolutely be beneficial (like Dr. Grave's $250 Jurisdictionary course that will help one familiarize themselves with/navigate through the complex legal system), I'd actually recommend exploring some of the many resources/paths towards sovereignty that you can still find for free on platforms like YouTube (Mike and Barre's Alfa Vedic being one). I'd be happy to share some channels that I've curated over the last few years.
I would love a list of channels you've curated!
Crrow777 radio is a good start.
Well I claimed exempt and so has my husband and he works for a major corporation. Actually you can goggle the IRS tax code 601.602 that says they are voluntary and you can unsubscribe. We personally just claim exempt and accounts can't ask why. I had one give me a hard time and I stood firm and now I have my own small business. What we've decided is, if they want to come ask us and it, then I have some words for them. I want to see the receipts. I know the money goes to Puerto Rico, then the Royals and then the Vatican and to our ALL CAPS STRAWMAN accounts they've created for us all. I'm not funding their murder, deception, lying, division, chemtrails, genocide, etc. I'm opting out of paying a vampire to steal away my rights and them selling them back to me, while simultaneously poisoning and trying to kill me. We stand firm on this and honestly haven't been bothered. I think the IRS has been dismantled. You do you, but I can't consciously fund criminal terrorist organizations and will stand firm if needed. You just say no.
Great post, Mike! "The Republic" (in my estimation) was always and only meant to be a paper document for reference. And notice how quickly the tenets of this esteemed "constitution" came under fire through the Judicial branch. Followed by the Legislative branch. And then, as you noted, the Executive branch was suddenly granted powers that were never outlined in the original "Constitution."
I grew up on a self-sustaining farm, so I am keen on the notion that generational trauma (built into the tyrannical grand agenda) has led to the degradation of family and farming. Our closeness with the land/water/sky and Nature in general was targeted by the frequency-manipulating psychopaths.
Mike, thank you so much for what you do. I loved listening to part 1 and 2. I don’t think enough people understand or appreciate the deep value and scholarship you bring (for free!). And most importantly, you're a much needed example of living in alignment with your values.
I am also not voting; I refuse to feed the system.
I feel like living in integrity is not a hard choice once you've acquired enough embodied wisdom, it happens almost effortlessly.
So much of this (even beyond the issue of voting) is a manifestation of humanity's level of consciousness.
For me, it's a combination of trust in God's divine plan and attempting to live in the most authentic way possible (which includes being a model and wayshower for others, both personally and professionally, driven by natural law, by way of my lived experience and continued growth/lessons learned.)
What you shared in part one regarding full transparency (being able to psychically attune to truth vs falsehood) is already happening, many of us can feel into the frequency of truth. I love that you noted that since I also see that's where we are headed as well. People need to understand that it's getting harder and harder to get away with BS.
Thank you again for the depth of your work, and you continue to inspire me!
Thank you! 🤙
Thank you for part 2. I’ve heard bits and pieces of how our governing system became corrupt but hearing all the history from the beginning was very helpful to understand how we got here. My intuition has led me to the idea that voting doesn’t really matter but after hearing this it makes more sense based on facts. It seems to me like all the political issues are cyclical and never really get solved and like government is just a bunch of people running around in circles getting nothing done but portraying to the public that they are doing important work. I’ve always thought the power really lies in the individual and the choices they make. Change is an accumulation of decisions and choices by each individual. I like the idea of voting with my dollar and investing in things that aren’t in the system but it definitely is a process as I find myself in this entangled web of habitual and an illusory dependence on so many parts of this current system. Thanks for your post.
Excellent analysis! Global Humanity, using Logic, Wisdom, Mindfulness, and Balance. That is why I practice the reality of 'Autonomy' and 'Anachon' existing in Natural Law.
"Are you willing to give yourself the Free-dom to choose a new beginning/mindset"
Yes!! “Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty.” ~Thomas Jefferson
In ancient times tribes formed smaller groups once hey reached the number of 150.
Yes, this is rarely mentioned, let alone understood.
It's something I've not heard before. What is the theory behind that number?
There is an optimal experience related to population density. We are psychologically designed for a much smaller scale for interaction. Our age of global organization has afforded a population density that we simply don't function well in.
My number's 5.
Wow, Mike. Thank you. That was super inspiring. Especially your last few sentences. It inspired new ideas for me. Love it when it lands as if it were there all the time - because it was. Just needed community to help me spiral upwards 💫
I’m learning how to “stand in my square”. It’s a deep process and is superb scary, at times. Would love more in person community as I make my way in this journey. Anyone here live in South Carolina?
Appreciate this perspective. I had already vowed not to vote this go-round but the rationale presented in this podcast bolstered my conviction. My first podcast with you Mike Winner. thank you kindly!
Yes 🙌🏻 the system could & would collapse in a blink if everyone stopped participating. Authority is an illusion.
You're saying that if everyone stopped participating. But isn't that an illusion in itself? How can we beat an illusion with another illusion?
Why is it an illusion? It may not happen, but if it did, what would be illusory about it?
It was said that: " if everyone stopped participating". I haven't seen a life event where there was 100% compliance as the saying implies. Talking about something that has almost zero chance of happening, to me that is an illusion.
I think my comments are getting deleted? Censored? Not voting and we don't pay taxes. We refuse to support criminal terrorist organizations ever again.
Hope you'll mature soon... not voting is allowing others to choose for you.
Because statists will never understand sovereignty or the ridiculous system of duality that keeps the herd polarized and divided. If voting mattered, they wouldn't allow it so instead, they give the sheep the illusion of having a semblance of control... when in reality, the entire game is rigged and both sides are just different toilets for the same shit.
I get why voting on a federal level would seem futile, but what about your own county or state? You’re literally voting for people you can meet up and talk to over a cup of coffee. I just spoke with one of the candidates running for state treasurer. We went to high school together. At least in rural Vermont where I live local “politics” are pretty accessible. The main dichotomy here in VT is trying to ensure locals can keep living here and don’t get priced out by implants from wealthier parts of the socioeconomic spectrum. So on a local level when it comes to managing our state and especially our towns, what do you suggest we do?
I suggest that you do whatever works for you. Personally, I will not give away ANY of my sovereignty - nor will I accept arbitrary/capricious rules imposed upon me by others when my primary consideration is to live my life how I want, with the caveat of doing no harm to others.
From my perspective, the system is simply not capable of changing for the better because the vast majority of Western society is trapped in a nihilistic, spiritually unconscious state, where power will almost always eventually corrupt even the best of intentions. We aren't meant to allow others to have this level of authority over us - society has just conditioned us to accept this absurd belief.
Well said!
You'll need to back that assertion with evidence or at least a convincing argument before I'd accept it. (And if you could, I would)
On the other hand, voting is perpetuating the system. What benefit have you derived from the system in all the years you've been voting?
I vote with how I spend my time and money , and it’s mostly healing my body and spending time in my garden 🌿 if anyone asks me again why I’m not voting I may link these talks as you’ve done a great job explaining so many important details , thanks Mike!
By not voting, you become part of the problem. I do not agree with this approach and feel that it's an immature protest.
How? The electoral college has the final say. Are you on the electoral college?
Lol the electoral college isn't the problem you moron. It's designed to prevent mob rule by balancing the power in the cities (and mob rule by sheep) with the rural vote in less populated areas. The cities would decide every election without out. You know like if actually if you could vote for an anti-zionist
So your vote counts, right genius?
Only democrats are against the electoral college. Can you put 2 and 2 together? They own the cities right? So why would they care about it? Read above again.
And if you think democracy is good you should try reading some books. They figured this out over 2000 years ago. The ability to brainwash people through media is more powerful than ever (obviously) therefore whoever controls the media controls the vote.
Did you even learn anything from this post?You seem like the type to love having the last word, so you can have it because anyone who can't see that Democrats and Republicans are two wings of the same bird is not worth discussing politics with.
The existence of the electoral college and the corruption of our Jewish government are two separate issues. You brought up the electoral college as if that's an important issue and you couldn't be any more lost if you think that's a problem let alone a significant one.
You are the second person I've read in this comment thread who suggests that not voting is a sign of immaturity. Could you explain that, please?
As to your point, what do you mean by "the problem"? What do you see as the problem?
Also I love your point about the waste of energy and resources that could be put into life enhancing things!
It's a long and hard process to de-program mind control. Voting keeps up the illusion that the people are in control. Authority is violence. Voting is immoral for a thousand reasons, one being that it's giving other people rights that we don't have (the right to murder and kidnap etc...). Also unless I'm a dupe, it seems like they are currently both supporting genocide. Hello???