awesome! yes it is this type of work that I am drawn to much more than the traditional exoteric heritage of philosophy which I believe is a lot of smoke and mirrors to occult the truth
I’m grateful to have had four decades of long preparation bringing me closer and closer to grasp in the way it’s intended, this mystical yet foundational wisdom. Thanks for sharing this audio Mike! 🥳🙌🙏
Enlightening. One thought/question I've had for decades, is these writings and scriptures...all highlight the male entity and ego of man, etc. The 'female' side of human being/sprit is always secondary, if I'm following the thoughts and mindset of the writings being presented. In Kemetic terminologies (which precedes the Bible and so-called religions by thousands of years) the female is always equal to the male - as above so below.
I still call it unnecessary obscurity. I see intentional mythology as a useless social norm closely related to intellectual masterbation. Seems pretty arrogant to assume that anyone who doesn't understand the double meaning is "grass, to be burnt up in the fire", or "chaff, blown away by the wind"
Steiner's excessive mythologies have resulted in Steinerites, who practice his mythology as a religion. There are those who religiously look for the conditions of the prophecies of Edgar Casey and hold him as some kind of lesser deity incarnated here on Earth. The arrogant postmodern-like intellectual stylings of Nagarjuna have resulted in 2000+ years of various forms of idealism. I could go on ad infinitum with examples of parables and mythological stories being literalized into religions or beliefs about reality. Just look at how the idealistic beliefs of Niels Bohr has shaped the interpretation of Quantum uncertainty into "Superposition", the belief that a particle either everywhere simultaneously or nowhere at all until it gets measured, which replaced Shreodinger's original interpretation that we can't know where the particle is until it gets measured. Or how DeCarte's rejection of everything spiritual and creation of the worship of math has led to 300+ years of physicalism.
Let's just tell the truth straight up, then clearly state that the parables and stories are being used to clarify or relate the truth to something that the listener might already understand. Stop the arrogant intellectual self-indulgence of using double speak and proprietary terminology and then assuming that anyone who doesn't understand isn't worth your time.
Feminine wisdom is oral, mostly spoken in parables, fairytales. As we have seen in our own times, speaking plainly gets deleted, shamed or silenced. Many of these elder texts lose so much by being written, as the words lose their contextual meaning over the ages. As for the current bible, I am not interested in it, but turn instead to perhaps the Pistas Sophia. In the introduction it is noted "For the Christian Gnostics, the crucifixion of Jesus was not the final crucifixion: the final crucifixion of Jesus took place in Rome when the ecclesiastical councils insisted on confining the representation of Jesus to his incarnation under the Virgin Mary- neglecting his existence as the Cosmic Christ and reducing the Holy Spirit to a formula. Not only was the Sophia bride of the Coptic teachings lost, but also the Chokmah of the ancient teachings de-emphisized. In consolidating Christianity, the early Church councils linmited the workings of the Holy Spirit. According to Adolph von Harnack, renowned historian and theologian of the early Church, the vast miracles of Christianity and the vast gifts that were poured out throughout North Africa to Asia Minor suddenly came to an end. Both Christ and the Holy Spirit wew placed into a mechanistic "credo". The early ecclesiastical councils, seven od which had been largely governed by the scholars of the Eastern Church, eventually came under the management of Bishops of the West who gradually gained ascendancy through the imperial developments of the Roman Empire". Which speaks to why wisdom becomes an inner knowing rather than an outer believing. In our current world we are taught plainly many differing lies to control us. That is my response to your disliking of the need over the many centuries to wrap truth into layers that each of us may unfold ourselves.
What Constantine and the Holy Roman Empire did to the teachings of Jesus was certainly an abomination. They added or adapted mythologies and passed them off as truth based on their "direct connection" authority, another big myth. They duped billions of people over nearly 2000 years and led them astray with intentional mythologies.
As long as the myths clearly remain just stories and the message they convey is clearly explained, then tell the stories. But don't tell stories and leave the meaning obscure. Too many possibilities and too easy to believe the wrong thing.
I disagree here, parables serve a specific purpose to break thru the intellectual ego of man as the good author explains in the excerpt I shared… not all is corrupted by the state or powerful. Take the Gospel of Thomas. That’s full of parables and it seems to be pretty pure in its Coptic roots. Either way, myth and legend from every culture has always tantalized man’s deep need for truth and meaning because I believe it’s one of the only ways we can come closer to understanding the realm of an omnipotent, omniscient & omnipresent creator
Yeah well, I'm not trying to say that parables, stories, or myths are useless and should be eliminated. I'm saying that the stories and myths alone are misleading and subject to misinterpretations that often alter the general beliefs of societies in negative ways. The examples I cited above are representative of how myths and stories have changed for the worse the message of the original teacher. Constantine was deliberately misleading. Nagarjuna took the vagaries of The Buddha and and initiated idealism (I feel like he was influenced by a nonhuman entity). Descarte believed that in the myth of Mathematical supremacy. Myths and stories should be told in conjunction with explanations of what they are conveying not just left for the listener to interpret. The more complex the mythology the greater chance for error.
Take for example the simple parable of the two wolfs fighting inside you. Had the teacher stopped at pointing out the conflict within and answered the "which one wins" questions with "you figure it out", the young student could easily have come to the conclusion that neither of them wins, that there must always be fighting within. Now look around you at the people you know. How many have become stuck in the conflict because some mentor figure only told them the conflict exists? By telling the young student "The One you feed" the teacher removed the chance for incorrect interpretations. Think how many possibilities for error there are in Steiner's mythologies. And he very rarely included guidance towards correct interpretation. And now we have Steinerites and people who use his stories and terminology as the basis for their own sensationalized alterations. And I doubt that anyone now knows the message that Steiner was trying to convey. Because he left everyone to interpret his mind.
Facts alone aren't enough, often you just don't have the context to understand the jargon. That's where the story comes in, providing a path to cross correlate the raw truth. But stories can mean anything without the raw truth to ground them.
Well I think the true brilliance in using this form of teaching is that these illumined masters were aware that dark forces always aim to obfuscate and destroy their teachings… but if a story can ‘get out there’ vs a direct teaching it is less prone to destruction as it is more likely to live on in form of fable and stand the test of time. This is also why the mystery schools existed…they were to be the stewards of the true meaning for those initiates who passed the test and were trusted to receive the perennial truth.
"Myths and stories should be told in conjunction with explanations of what they are conveying not just left for the listener to interpret. The more complex the mythology the greater chance for error." Hear, hear! 👏
They were but those original explanations are occulted both by the dark forces who aim to pervert them and the right hand path schools who aim to maintain them :)
Feeling insufficiently versed in matters of “intentional mythology”, I couldn’t help feeling like the “grass, to be burnt up in the fire” reminding me of my Christian upbringing, the feelings of inadequacy it conveys and the eternity of hellfire nipping at my heels.
So, yeah, I can relate to what you say here. Although I want to understand better what this life is about, what I want most is just peace of mind and the confidence knowing that the life I’m living is good enough. It seems just telling the truth straight up is a damn good place to start. 😁
“Taken on the level of literal understanding both the old and new testaments are full not only of contradictions but of cruel and repulsive meaning.” Although I appreciate the two-level meaning behind the biblical text and the need for a person to be ready to receive its psychological over its literal meaning, isn’t it a shame that there’s little hint that such a level even exists by those who preach from the Bible?
Biblical literalism and its focus on end times prophesy in the Book of Revelation has reached fever pitch since the covid hoax leading many Christians to pray desperately for Jesus to return quickly. It’s a destructive mindset that inadvertently advances the worldwide communist agenda.
All this clamoring for people to wake up to the beast system when perhaps a greater need lies in the realization that most of the world’s religions are vying for the same thing at their higher meaning.
Parables are a communication technique designed to raise the level of consciousness of those who are able to receive them. In service of this end, they involve double meanings: superficial meanings, and inner psychological meanings. Interestingly, the discourse and vernacular of Big Brother also involved double meanings, which Orwell dubbed double-think and double-speak. Why should these two ostensibly very different uses of language involve this common feature?
So great to see this Mike! I have been re-reading this book now and am loving it! Great synchronicity
awesome! yes it is this type of work that I am drawn to much more than the traditional exoteric heritage of philosophy which I believe is a lot of smoke and mirrors to occult the truth
I’m grateful to have had four decades of long preparation bringing me closer and closer to grasp in the way it’s intended, this mystical yet foundational wisdom. Thanks for sharing this audio Mike! 🥳🙌🙏
always a pleasure!
Excellent in-depth take! love it! think you for sharing!
Enlightening. One thought/question I've had for decades, is these writings and scriptures...all highlight the male entity and ego of man, etc. The 'female' side of human being/sprit is always secondary, if I'm following the thoughts and mindset of the writings being presented. In Kemetic terminologies (which precedes the Bible and so-called religions by thousands of years) the female is always equal to the male - as above so below.
I still call it unnecessary obscurity. I see intentional mythology as a useless social norm closely related to intellectual masterbation. Seems pretty arrogant to assume that anyone who doesn't understand the double meaning is "grass, to be burnt up in the fire", or "chaff, blown away by the wind"
Steiner's excessive mythologies have resulted in Steinerites, who practice his mythology as a religion. There are those who religiously look for the conditions of the prophecies of Edgar Casey and hold him as some kind of lesser deity incarnated here on Earth. The arrogant postmodern-like intellectual stylings of Nagarjuna have resulted in 2000+ years of various forms of idealism. I could go on ad infinitum with examples of parables and mythological stories being literalized into religions or beliefs about reality. Just look at how the idealistic beliefs of Niels Bohr has shaped the interpretation of Quantum uncertainty into "Superposition", the belief that a particle either everywhere simultaneously or nowhere at all until it gets measured, which replaced Shreodinger's original interpretation that we can't know where the particle is until it gets measured. Or how DeCarte's rejection of everything spiritual and creation of the worship of math has led to 300+ years of physicalism.
Let's just tell the truth straight up, then clearly state that the parables and stories are being used to clarify or relate the truth to something that the listener might already understand. Stop the arrogant intellectual self-indulgence of using double speak and proprietary terminology and then assuming that anyone who doesn't understand isn't worth your time.
Feminine wisdom is oral, mostly spoken in parables, fairytales. As we have seen in our own times, speaking plainly gets deleted, shamed or silenced. Many of these elder texts lose so much by being written, as the words lose their contextual meaning over the ages. As for the current bible, I am not interested in it, but turn instead to perhaps the Pistas Sophia. In the introduction it is noted "For the Christian Gnostics, the crucifixion of Jesus was not the final crucifixion: the final crucifixion of Jesus took place in Rome when the ecclesiastical councils insisted on confining the representation of Jesus to his incarnation under the Virgin Mary- neglecting his existence as the Cosmic Christ and reducing the Holy Spirit to a formula. Not only was the Sophia bride of the Coptic teachings lost, but also the Chokmah of the ancient teachings de-emphisized. In consolidating Christianity, the early Church councils linmited the workings of the Holy Spirit. According to Adolph von Harnack, renowned historian and theologian of the early Church, the vast miracles of Christianity and the vast gifts that were poured out throughout North Africa to Asia Minor suddenly came to an end. Both Christ and the Holy Spirit wew placed into a mechanistic "credo". The early ecclesiastical councils, seven od which had been largely governed by the scholars of the Eastern Church, eventually came under the management of Bishops of the West who gradually gained ascendancy through the imperial developments of the Roman Empire". Which speaks to why wisdom becomes an inner knowing rather than an outer believing. In our current world we are taught plainly many differing lies to control us. That is my response to your disliking of the need over the many centuries to wrap truth into layers that each of us may unfold ourselves.
What Constantine and the Holy Roman Empire did to the teachings of Jesus was certainly an abomination. They added or adapted mythologies and passed them off as truth based on their "direct connection" authority, another big myth. They duped billions of people over nearly 2000 years and led them astray with intentional mythologies.
As long as the myths clearly remain just stories and the message they convey is clearly explained, then tell the stories. But don't tell stories and leave the meaning obscure. Too many possibilities and too easy to believe the wrong thing.
I disagree here, parables serve a specific purpose to break thru the intellectual ego of man as the good author explains in the excerpt I shared… not all is corrupted by the state or powerful. Take the Gospel of Thomas. That’s full of parables and it seems to be pretty pure in its Coptic roots. Either way, myth and legend from every culture has always tantalized man’s deep need for truth and meaning because I believe it’s one of the only ways we can come closer to understanding the realm of an omnipotent, omniscient & omnipresent creator
Yeah well, I'm not trying to say that parables, stories, or myths are useless and should be eliminated. I'm saying that the stories and myths alone are misleading and subject to misinterpretations that often alter the general beliefs of societies in negative ways. The examples I cited above are representative of how myths and stories have changed for the worse the message of the original teacher. Constantine was deliberately misleading. Nagarjuna took the vagaries of The Buddha and and initiated idealism (I feel like he was influenced by a nonhuman entity). Descarte believed that in the myth of Mathematical supremacy. Myths and stories should be told in conjunction with explanations of what they are conveying not just left for the listener to interpret. The more complex the mythology the greater chance for error.
Take for example the simple parable of the two wolfs fighting inside you. Had the teacher stopped at pointing out the conflict within and answered the "which one wins" questions with "you figure it out", the young student could easily have come to the conclusion that neither of them wins, that there must always be fighting within. Now look around you at the people you know. How many have become stuck in the conflict because some mentor figure only told them the conflict exists? By telling the young student "The One you feed" the teacher removed the chance for incorrect interpretations. Think how many possibilities for error there are in Steiner's mythologies. And he very rarely included guidance towards correct interpretation. And now we have Steinerites and people who use his stories and terminology as the basis for their own sensationalized alterations. And I doubt that anyone now knows the message that Steiner was trying to convey. Because he left everyone to interpret his mind.
Facts alone aren't enough, often you just don't have the context to understand the jargon. That's where the story comes in, providing a path to cross correlate the raw truth. But stories can mean anything without the raw truth to ground them.
Well I think the true brilliance in using this form of teaching is that these illumined masters were aware that dark forces always aim to obfuscate and destroy their teachings… but if a story can ‘get out there’ vs a direct teaching it is less prone to destruction as it is more likely to live on in form of fable and stand the test of time. This is also why the mystery schools existed…they were to be the stewards of the true meaning for those initiates who passed the test and were trusted to receive the perennial truth.
"Myths and stories should be told in conjunction with explanations of what they are conveying not just left for the listener to interpret. The more complex the mythology the greater chance for error." Hear, hear! 👏
They were but those original explanations are occulted both by the dark forces who aim to pervert them and the right hand path schools who aim to maintain them :)
Feeling insufficiently versed in matters of “intentional mythology”, I couldn’t help feeling like the “grass, to be burnt up in the fire” reminding me of my Christian upbringing, the feelings of inadequacy it conveys and the eternity of hellfire nipping at my heels.
So, yeah, I can relate to what you say here. Although I want to understand better what this life is about, what I want most is just peace of mind and the confidence knowing that the life I’m living is good enough. It seems just telling the truth straight up is a damn good place to start. 😁
“Taken on the level of literal understanding both the old and new testaments are full not only of contradictions but of cruel and repulsive meaning.” Although I appreciate the two-level meaning behind the biblical text and the need for a person to be ready to receive its psychological over its literal meaning, isn’t it a shame that there’s little hint that such a level even exists by those who preach from the Bible?
Biblical literalism and its focus on end times prophesy in the Book of Revelation has reached fever pitch since the covid hoax leading many Christians to pray desperately for Jesus to return quickly. It’s a destructive mindset that inadvertently advances the worldwide communist agenda.
All this clamoring for people to wake up to the beast system when perhaps a greater need lies in the realization that most of the world’s religions are vying for the same thing at their higher meaning.
Thank you, Mike.
Parables are a communication technique designed to raise the level of consciousness of those who are able to receive them. In service of this end, they involve double meanings: superficial meanings, and inner psychological meanings. Interestingly, the discourse and vernacular of Big Brother also involved double meanings, which Orwell dubbed double-think and double-speak. Why should these two ostensibly very different uses of language involve this common feature?