A whole lot more interesting than the current recycling of scientism. Thanks Mike ✨

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I really got a lot out of this, didn’t fully understand all of it but that doesn’t matter, it was life affirming, it was new to me and it felt like a healthy swim in the sea or restorative sustenance. I’m weary of the noise and religion (God knows I’ve tried), is not it for me. Whilst we can of course read these books by ourselves, I know I won’t so I’m getting a lot from your sharing. Thank you Mike for going there, it’s very much appreciated. Love and good vibes back atcha.

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thanks! I will continue to do so, hopefully inspiring others like yourself to see the beauty and logic of this divine system!

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Beautiful & empowering message. I’m curious to know more about the breath work that was mentioned

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Yes! The fourfold breath is a crucial part of the process of focusing the Light of Intelligence into anything you truly want to know! I’ll do future posts on this…

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Good Lord, WOW!!

My mind is blown!!

Really tough for me to follow all that you say…And, something intuitive is going on for me. There is some inner standing.

I’ll have to listen a couple more times!

Thanks for the morning mind blowing!😂

On with my day!


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I just hope these alternative cosmologies can tickle our consciousness into seeing that there is so much more magic out there than what the current paradigm offers and that this place is fun!

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Tickling my consciousness for sure!

I appreciate that you refer to the Magic! I must admit I get stuck in the Day to Day, Not Enough, and just the struggle… always hoping for more magic, creativity, joy!

And, attempting to find the joy, or magic in the little things….as well as going on magical mind adventures!

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On a spiritual journey I saw that the stars have little lights that rotate around them as communicators.

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I'm paraphrasing....."the will of doing good is a trap". I need to sit in the seat of consciousness & just observe my irritation so I can let go. I spend a lot of energy trying to change my mood/stop Mara from sending thought (curses) to people.. I will have to listen to this again, tomorrow b/c I'm triggered (which is a sure sign I need to hear this). Energetic Synthesis put out a 10pg article on the Law of Cause and Effect & its impact on consciousness.

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I wouldn't say it's a trap...it's just not as 'free' as we would like to think. Doing good for good's sake and in the end, for Self-Knowledge is the path we should aim for!

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The E.S. article supports this idea. "...choose to become your own cause in reality, not just the effect of others & the situation that you find yourself in. This important distinction gives one the ability to rise above the archetypal roles of Victim-Victimizer......knowing in every moment you have a choice to respond."

So I need more Self-Knowledge ~ awareness, in the moment, when my blockages get triggered.

For 5+ yrs. I have insulated myself (no friends/family/partner) so I could have a mini-Utopia. If no person is there then there's no problem & I'm neutral.

Now the Universe has put my landlord (basically my 'mother' again/same horrible toxic personality) in my path so I'm forced to find calm & broadcast right thinking & right alignment.

Tall order & more inner 'work' to do.

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You got this though! All of your past decisions and interactions with other’s thoughts have led you to this moment where you can choose to find the answers deep within or just be another cog in the wheel of destiny. It’s up to you. 🤙

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Synchronicity; I was listen to Heather Ensworth (YT) last night & she mentioned the 4 PTSD reactions. The one that caught my attention was "fawn" ~ when we try to do everything 'right' to create a better outcome. I realized I've been spiritually fawning! LOL

I made a decision in 2000 to start 'being the change' (as they called it then) b/c I figured my Life would go better if I was better.

So 24yrs later, the dots are connected from your substack Mike, E.S. + H.E.

Thanks. I feel I've jumped another hurtle on my Earth School journey.

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Yes, self knowledge. So, how does any this relate to our actual experience. Can we know what anything is without first knowing who are are? When we speak in terms of anthropocentrism, like any 'ism', we are in the realm of theory. Can we posit any thing as 'centric' or fundamental outside of consciousness, ever-present, knowing being.

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that's the point, to progress forward towards self-knowledge. To be an active player in the design. It's not about just letting go into bliss and seek nirvana :) we've seen what that paradigm leads to with the hippy movement

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Oct 22Edited

I'm speaking here not to transcendent experiences or spiritual bypassing or seeking after any thing but our direct most intimate experience of consciousness, ultimately leading to the understanding that what we are and everything is is the same, infinite awareness. Very much in the here and now. We don't need to think this into existence or change our experience in any way to recognize this. I would agree with another post. Percival tends to give himself up to the mythical, spiritualized thinking of his day. He seems to recognize that All is consciousness, but then inserts the need to bring it into being through great personal effort, and a complex cosmology. The very idea of progressive path is flawed, we are already, always that which we seek. Our thought will correspond quite naturally, effortlessly to this knowing.

"The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me: my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love." --Meister Eckhart

And from Rumi, "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

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If everything is infinite awareness and we are all one then what is the point of existence here Ed? If the point of the Universe is to just experience itself why is there not the choice then to allude death, pain and suffering if one doesn’t want to have that experience? Why can’t we just ‘experience consciousness’ all day through blissful meditation? Or is there a bigger point to all of this? Is there a moral point as well? Here in the physical world, is there a system of governance? It’s one thing to just say it’s all consciousness (which I believe) but then what next? IMO, to just leave it at that is nebulous at best and downright evil at worst (in the form of pure Luciferian escapism). Cheers

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Oct 23Edited

The point, the only purpose, if we can call it that, is that we awaken to the truth of our being, ever-present, always calling to us. It is life’s standing invitation. Only then is is possible to serve, express freedom, joy, beauty, peace and love. Even when we don’t, it's never lost.

Mike, you seem to express this quite naturally, and have given up, as have I, all these tired notions of new age spirituality, as just another en-trance-ment. Enlightenment is not an experience, it is the recognition of the nature of all experience.

The allness of consciousness, God, spirit, our essential nature, is not dependent on our experience, it is the reality, the substance of our experience. There is no choice involved, no volition, will, thought, suffering that could make it otherwise. We are not speaking of a blissful state of mind that we achieve through practice or a path from here to there. Meditation is not what we do, it is what we are. As Krishnamurti said, "Truth is a pathless land"

What you are speaking of as Luciferian escapism exists only for the imaginary separate self that believes it's on a path, to happiness, enlightenment, salvation, whatever name we give it, always in the future, and never found, resisting what is present, seeking what is not present.

Nisargadatta tells us: "True happiness [peace, love]is uncaused and this cannot disappear. It is not the opposite of sorrow, it includes all sorrow and suffering. Pleasure depends on things, happiness does not.”

Herein is love, like a mother who loves her children we embrace the totality of our experience.

Love is fearless. True Love’s activity is of itself alone, unconditional. There is no other.

"When the path to God comes to an end, the path in God begins."

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Wow that WAS trippy! I loved it. So nourishing to hear different perspectives. I'd have to listen again to get it properly rooted. I think maybe everything is not the way we have been trained to see. Our indoctrination closes our mind to seeing what we would see if we were left to grow up organically and with nature. We have come very far from nature and it is to our detriment. I love to imagine things differently, for example, the cosmos (the sky) being a gif that keeps time. This makes us live under a sort of planetarium. One thing I think is inverted for sure is the idea of "as above, so below". I think it is actually the other way around! That "the units" create the whole. Although it is also a feedback loop where both influence each other, however the main thrust is the singular unit that determines the whole, coupled with a ratio that drives it this way or that. The idea of a sole creator and even of a creator itself, I think is off the mark completely. Nothing can create alone (where is Mrs God?) Nowhere to be seen or heard. So much is left out of our purview because we have been corralled into believing in an outside god for one thing and a sole god for another. I feel certain that is not how it is at all. I love these talks Mike and feel nourished by them as there is so little talk of depth these days. I hope you feel encouraged to continue them.

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This is the " Gravy " ! Love it and thank you for being in your divine attunement and sharing innerstandings with us.

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Well, I can see where Percival was observing natural phenomena beyond the normal. But his interpretations are heavily mythical, as was the style when he was alive. Rudolph Steiner and many others of the time did the same. That time period of "extra-sensory" investigation was much like our current "new age spirituality" ,prone to sensationalism and mythical embellishments. Makes a great story, but like most mythological presentations of experience the myth is eventually mistaken for reality. I believe that Percival was unconsciously following the trend of his time.

Why is it that humans are so prone to inserting myth into our explanations of experience? Could it be a mind virus placed in our collective field to keep us from grasping true reality?

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and who's to say Percival's cosmology isn't true? Nowhere has 'science' disproved anything I have shared here...meanwhile we live in a mechanistic, destructive paradigm that reduces man to a machine that will eventually breakdown and cease to exist. I'll take the mystery and wonder of Percival over this death-cult paradigm any day!

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I'm inclined to agree that the "death cult" has no appeal. But to replace it with all mysticism just seems like playing ping pong without an opponent, the ball goes to the other side of the table and doesn't come back. No balance. Wonder where the middle way is. I wonder how mysticism and physicalism fit together?

Steiner is way out in left field. So far out that he forgot about the game. Percival might in short left field but he's still there. His cosmology reflects that of the Theosophical society, full of the appeal of lyrical mythology.

Maybe mysticism isn't as mythical as we'd like to imagine. Maybe we like to believe the stories too much.

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Maybe in the end the Mind of God isn’t meant to be reasoned and this is why we have myths and fantasy… also why the mystic has played such a massive role in both religion and philosophy. Direct experience of the divine in the end brings us closer to the mystery than logic ever will but we can still use reason to translate said experiences. This is why I like psi investigations on consciousness. Like what folks such as Dean Raden & Stephen Schwartz have done applying the scientific method to things like telepathy and remote viewing…

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so Percival would likely argue that Steiner's mystical forays into what he called the 'higher realms' were actually misguided attempts to rationalize his experiences in the form plane here in the physical world where emotions & desires from both embodied and disembodied humans' psychic atmosphere as well as all sorts of wild thought forms, spooks & other entities roamed, creating all sorts of phenomenon that the end observer wished upon...essentially this was not an ontological reality but more like physical dreams that could be shaped and molded according to the whims of the desires and emotions of the perceiver. On the contrary, Percival only used concentrated thinking (what he called focused Light of the Intelligence) to open up truths about the topics he focused on...he was not a mystic but a rational thinker. In the end though both men brought some pretty cool stuff to the world (Steiner with biodynamic farming and Waldorf schools) and Percival: the Law of Thought as Destiny which for me, best explains the human experience and why bad things seem to happen to good people... cheers.

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Thank you for addressing that challenge, Mike. I'm new to your podcast and need to say that I'm really resonating with what you've been saying. You 're having a positive influence on my perspective and for that I'm grateful. Peace.

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Won’t play

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weird, just tested and played fine for me!

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working for me

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