Recently, I saw a contraption that could put fire out with sound. It was like a big barrel or drum - you hold it over a fire and the sound instantly put out the fire. Hm??
Some people are talking about different dimensions…. Maybe we can stay on the planet and just live in different dimensions simultaneously… I don’t want 15-minute, high-tech manufactured Polaris world …. We need all the magic, resonance, numbers, will-power, and divine intervention to stop what’s coming.
That city sounds very much like the 'Smart' (not smart) cities they are trying to convince us are a good idea. Was the author psychic? Or do you think he 'knew' a thing or two about where things were headed when he wrote those books?
I think all great fiction writers taps into an akashic record of sorts where certain themes and characteristics of future potentiality live… clearly Anthony was doing that!
In one of your casts, you questioned the importance of getting out your casts. Well, I for one, am getting a lot of value from them. If I am feeling anxious, for instance, or lonely, I will listen to you. It has a calming effect on me. And I am also brought back to a place of acceptance of others and a reminder that we are all in this together.
Just want to say a huge thank you for this post, actually all your posts I happen to catch. I love how you bring in the magic— I think we all would be drawn to it if we were in an unadultered state (ie. immersed in nature). And how you describe it here in this post via these two fantasy series is fascinating. Always interesting and always on the nose—thank you!!
Recently, I saw a contraption that could put fire out with sound. It was like a big barrel or drum - you hold it over a fire and the sound instantly put out the fire. Hm??
Some people are talking about different dimensions…. Maybe we can stay on the planet and just live in different dimensions simultaneously… I don’t want 15-minute, high-tech manufactured Polaris world …. We need all the magic, resonance, numbers, will-power, and divine intervention to stop what’s coming.
That city sounds very much like the 'Smart' (not smart) cities they are trying to convince us are a good idea. Was the author psychic? Or do you think he 'knew' a thing or two about where things were headed when he wrote those books?
I think all great fiction writers taps into an akashic record of sorts where certain themes and characteristics of future potentiality live… clearly Anthony was doing that!
In one of your casts, you questioned the importance of getting out your casts. Well, I for one, am getting a lot of value from them. If I am feeling anxious, for instance, or lonely, I will listen to you. It has a calming effect on me. And I am also brought back to a place of acceptance of others and a reminder that we are all in this together.
Thanks so much for this comment Rose! Warms my heart and def keeps me going!
Just want to say a huge thank you for this post, actually all your posts I happen to catch. I love how you bring in the magic— I think we all would be drawn to it if we were in an unadultered state (ie. immersed in nature). And how you describe it here in this post via these two fantasy series is fascinating. Always interesting and always on the nose—thank you!!
All to say—more of the magic please. 🙏
Found the series by Fantasy Fan, playlist:
Read them all as a kid! Fun, engaging fantasy that’s easy to read but not dumbed down.
How is Mango?
He’s thriving and a very loved & spoiled kitty :) thanks for asking!
Sounds like Logan’s Run is the one you were referring to..
Yes!! Nailed it :)
My secret goal is to be Peter Ustinov post apocalypse. LOL
AND btw the protagonists escaped from a dome and had to get through a frozen ice area (ice wall).... hmmm
Logans Run . . . .
Fun and Exciting perspective!
Can’t wait to meet you!
Logan's Run