This is such a helpful perspective, Mike! My two brothers live in Pacific Palisades. Yesterday we thought they lost their homes, but today they have been told that both of their houses are still standing. Yet with what damage, they don't know yet. I appreciate how much you know about fires because of being a fire fighter, and also about elementals and their power. I live in Minnesota, where fires are not generally a thing, but I am going to put orgone pipes around my property anyway. I have one, and I'm going to order a couple more. Anyway, thanks so much for this commentary. What you say about these fires and about the Phoenix is really organizing for me when my thoughts are jumping around between DEWs, arson, empty fire hydrants, 15 minute city plans, Hollywood, weather manipulation, and what my brothers and their families are going through right now.

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I wonder if any of the people in or near the fires in LA ever think of what it must have been like for civilians under the rain of american and english bombs in German cities .It was a thousend times worse than what is happening in LA .

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Mike I always appreciate your glass half full perspective.

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Thanks Kathy!

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kathy ,How many more days ,till Christmas ??

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I hope you keep doing these podcasts- they remind me of the movie PUMP UP THE Volume, just the right amount of Gen X cynicism mixed with hope that people will eventually see through it all and realize they only have each other

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Ooohh I need to watch that movie again! Thanks for this!

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Some plant species like the lodgepole pine require fire to open their seeds and start the next generation.


The Phoenix rising now - agreed!

BTW learned of this substack post on Qortal

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Same for the Jack Pine. Remember the massive fire in Australia; photographers captured the emergence of the green glory sprouting from the burnt. Wondering if this type of fire has different properties. Nature will

R I S E 🆙👆🔝 😍

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my view is that the great awakening pheonix rising narrative stuff is a clever bit of branding created a number of years back by the controllers in order to herd those who start to 'question' the prevailing narratives, into yet another 'pen' of their creating.

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Please look at this to learn more about the trees not burning and thus are not spreading the fires in these kind of microwave fires https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs3o3z0G8tw

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