thanks Mike for the thought bubbles, got me percolatin'

in regard to the very important aspect of feeling it in the body with Polla Prat et. al...

truly, somatic attention leads to space and clarity, building the capacitance for discernment and genuine expression of our creativity, to stand upon our word and deed...embodiment in the breath can tell us so much about our alignment to experiences as they occur...

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Yes my friend!

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Oct 28Edited

Sometimes we can know too much and nothing at all. We have to first know what we are not, before we can know who/what we are. Neti, neti, not this, not this. Is there really anything called self governance or just more of the imaginary separate self caught up in a thought bubble, like post modernism or decentralization. We weave all these elevated and not so elevated concepts, into a construct and identity we call 'my path', when as Krishnamurti said, "Truth is a pathless land". This is not a balancing act between the the eternal light of pure knowing and materialism. That's not a path its just wandering in the wilderness. Remember Balyani, “He sent Himself, from Himself, through Himself, to Himself. There is no intermediary or means other than Him. There is no distance or difference between the sender, that which is sent and the one to whom it is sent. Our longing comes from love, it is made of love, it is going to love. Our prayer comes from God, is made of God, going to God."

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Very nice reminders here Ed but in the end, it sorta seems to me what you’re proposing is wandering in the wandering and where does that get us except in an ashram somewhere? :)… IMO classical non-dualism teeters on spiritual nihilism in its refusal to actually go anywhere…did we see where this led to in the 60s and 70s? Does it lead to confusion and moral ambiguity resulting in the collapse of any true sovereignty? Can’t we actually know? Wouldn’t the creator give us more than not having? :)

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Yes, of course, we are given everything. Not sure how you took my post as some advocacy of nihilism. The neti neti ‘practice’, not this, not this, is used to empty the mind of its conditioned reactivity and identifications. We have to first know what we are not, before we can know who we are, and we must first know who we are before we can know what anything is. The world is as we are. And we do not have to leave the world to know what is ever-present, Presence, here and now. This is the essence of non-duality. There is no distance from ourself to our self. What we seek is always only our self, not our stories. No need to weave endless philosophies together to make sense of things. It is Self-evident. As it is written on the Temple of Delphi, Know thyself. This is not a linear, obsessive or singular path of the mind. The spiritual path sometimes shows up that way, as the last hiding place of the separate self, spiritual bypassing, but has to be abandoned. The truth is a pathless land.

I enjoyed the reading you shared from the book on the parables. This ancient wisdom teaching, like Zen koans, understood that truth cannot be found by the mind in all its wanderings after things, but in our essence, the truth of our being. “whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” It’s all already, always within us, who we are, the very substance, the water of life itself in all its fullness. When it is said, “Seek first the kingdom of heaven” it is so we understand we must first know this within us (“that I shall give him shall be in him”) before we can see and know it everywhere, “all else will be added unto you.”

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Thanks Ed, I appreciate this and agree with much of this! My point about treading on spiritual nihilism is that if we take non-dualism to its n’th degree we risk falling into dogma that the only experience that is true is pure awareness and in that goal, we deny everything else resulting in a vacuum & the denial of our innate humanness…I know of no human who has achieved this, not even the greatest of masters because in the end that is not the experience of this place. Hence why it is important IMO to embrace the ALL of experience and accept that opposites exist as part of the design and that suffering has an important place here as well. By taking a more holistic approach we can see the grand design in both a dualistic way as well as a unified one. This in the end is the true non-dualism. :)

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Oct 29Edited

Mike, all this has little to do with non-duality. Non-dual awareness is not something we adopt in our thinking, the “dogma of the void”, rather it is our natural, innate, direct experience. We cannot think about it, because there is no ‘it’, no thing to think about. Of course, there is the appearance of duality, something we can think about, in non-dual awareness, all awareness, not two. But duality, self and other, inside and outside is the contrivance or construct of dualistic mind, taking form in thinking, sensing and perception. There is nothing wrong with this. it has a practical purpose in our day to day lives. The suffering you speak of arises solely in ignorance, the ignoring of our essential nature. Its purpose is to wake us out of this dreaming mind, our stories. Suffering only means we are on the wrong track, on a train of thinking to nowhere. The 'experience' of pure awareness is ever-present in all experience, and true for everyone regardless of their level of cognition of that fact (of experience). There is no possibility of experiencing anything without consciousness, awareness. And I refer to 'experience' here in single closed quotes because only awareness is aware, no body or mind or person is aware, no tree or flower or planet or machine is aware, all the expression of awareness, nameless, infinite. So, we must begin with the simple recognition of the primacy and immediacy of awareness, our essential nature, and in this recognition experienced as life in all its fullness, peace, happiness and love, freedom, all synonyms of awareness. What I am and everything is, is the same, awareness. Any dogma or belief system we might adopt has no relation to our direct, ever-present experience of what is knowing, experiencing, witnessing, here and now, awareness aware of awareness taking the shape of all experience, mind, body and world, thinking, sensing and perceiving but never any thing other than itself.

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Whoops meant to say ‘dogma of the void’

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"Divine Governance" is what will only happen as you say dear man, (and as David Icke says in his book "Revealed") with being Pure Awareness or consciousness as opposed to the sub-consciousness, ego based, 3D path. Ascension is vital to creating "self-governing" with a deep sense and understanding of the moral compass based in the divine aspects of a higher source which we are ONE with. Thank you so much Mike! Patricia Cota Robles describes it perfectly also in her VLog about Divine Governance.

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It's a tough subject to talk about because we don't have the language. can't go back and when I say the reason why, don't feel I'm blaming. We can't go back because it was all designed by men only. Women weren't involved. All the writings, the stories, all about men's adventures. Women barely rated a mention. They were prohibited of course in those times. So we don't want to go back to that. That is why the feminine got lost. We need to pick it up again and to do that we need to hear from women. I realize women choose to keep quiet but that's because of the generational trauma. Perhaps if they are coaxed and invited, it may bring women out. It's a good way you put it that paradoxes are coming together. Well women need to be heard from now in similar ratios or we're never going to get out of this lopsidedness. I liked the theme music to Apocalypse Now. We can't go back, no. We must go forward in a new way.

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We need more words in our language. We need to initiate things ourselves and stop waiting for some hero to do it. One thing we can do is initiate a supplementary dictionary. The words that make it in there are decided by us - we the people in a new quality consensus system. It's nothing complicated, just someone makes a proposal for a word or term and gives reasons why it would be good and how it would be used, etc (just like a dictionary). People who were interested would vote and if enough votes were met, the word goes into the supplementary dictionary. This process is what will for sure, supersede the current "democracy", republic, government, boards, councils, etc. The passing of a proposal would require certain criteria such as achieving a quorum and something like 80% or 70% of that quorum voting similarly. Of course all these criteria are up for debate/discussion. The people ourselves make the conditions. There is nothing more sovereign than everyone being able to have their say on anything. Everyone benefits. It's beautiful and so easily doable.

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English is said to be "the spell castors language" for a reason. It is incomplete and making Divine Communication between people which is clear and effective communication impossible. When we raise our frequency high enough, we will be telepathic, and no language is more exact or clear.

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Exactly. (This platform doesn't enable the "like" feature for me)

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I am glad people don't just click like buttons but express opinions and share their thoughts like yu do. We need to inspire each other no matter what...that is how we will build new communities, respect for one another and each person's very unique perspective and perceptions. Thank yu so much for expressing your perspective.

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Agreed, we need to explain why we think something and give context to it. Thank you for recognizing. I went to your substack and would like to see articles by you and learn how you observe the world. I hold a podcast called Sirens Say to empower women to speak about subjects in their own way. Many women are reticent to speak and that is understandable given our generational trauma. But women who can get this ball rolling would be immensely helpful to give other women a nudge. Women need to speak up now even if they think it's silly, even if they think they don't know enough. We have been spoondoggled to think we need formal credentials to hold a valid opinion. What is needed is to hold a valid opinion is substance which can be questioned and responded to and that makes logical sense. Funny - I am a women who always has A LOT to say!

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I tried to set up space to do so but couldn't for some reason. I took from that that I needed to comment on others sights and have enjoyed it. 😉 I can give yu my email if yu wish and would gladly converse with yu. My life has been isolative as family and former friends and people I worked with considered me dangerous 😳

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Yes dear woman. Yes!

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You are soo soo right dear Denise. It was a Patriarchy created by men and woman. Woman participated in pushing out the Divine Feminine in themselves and in supporting those who did. So, we are none of us victims which is a good thing. This is supported by religion wholly based on patriarchal leadership, and our stereotypical gender differences. We can change this by discovering the Divine Feminine in each one of us and reading "The Book of Love" about Mary Magdeline and Jesus and their marriage which was deliberately removed from the Bible and stored in the Vatican library where many of our ancient texts were taken.

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Oh joy! For once, someone who understands what I am trying to convey (instead get all butthurt over it!). The idea of worship is what did women in. Worshiping puts someone above and someone below. We have to move right off this linear and vertical thinking. We must go in the direction of each of us, every single one of us, is valuable to this fabric of life. We must NEVER intend to take the life away of one of our brothers or sisters (our peers). We need to see everyone in terms of peership not status tiers. We all have the same status, which is human being. I find the word divine to wretch up religion. It is still keeping us in that vertical status. Rather sublime would be a better fit in my view (everything I say is in my view - as is everything everyone says is in their view. Facts are interpretational). The language itself is all male-designed so concepts spawned by the feminine side have no language with which to express themselves. We are capable now of initiating a supplementary dictionary, founded by us - the people. Why not? Why do we wait for others "superior" to us to do these things? That book you recommended sounds interesting I must say. Another book that is quite transformative is The Great Cosmic Mother - Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth by Monica Sjjoo and Barbara Mor.

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We, the people are learning to self govern as independent nation states as we Americans did from 1787 to 1860. Every State has been called into session and has a general and business State Assembly with county assemblies being formed. For more information, check out this website: https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org/

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Self governance requires individual responsibility.

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Oct 28
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But the word government is obsolete. I think it looks at the world like everyone has to be under the one guidance but that is not how it would work best. Best is for groups to form organically. Lots of them. All varieties. It would open up unlimited choice for us.

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