"We live in a commercialized, fictional world" - Amazing how hard this is for individuals to understand. The number of people I know who've been talking about the latest episode of "The Trump show" is mind boggling. All that wasted energy. I still find it hard to believe they think it's real.
after a few episodes of hearing the intro, now i finally understand that we are in the land of plenty, we just gotta find the right places to exercise our true life currency (not the fiat currency)!
Falling for the fiction or falling for the fool. Or as Mark Twain tells us, "The only difference between reality and fiction, is that fiction needs to be credible."
The following are quotes from Steven Young explaining the title of his book, A Fool's Wisdom.
Maybe this reminds us of a prominent political figure we know?
‘If the fool shall persist in his folly he shall become wise’ ~ William Blake
“We see this character of the Fool as a central figure in the Tarot, also known as The Book of Wisdom, in which the Fool is the first card in the deck (technically the zero card, corresponding with The Joker in the standard playing cards). The major Arcana represents a spiritual journey, the quest for divine secrets and mysteries, and the Fool is the first step on this path to wisdom. Occasional or half-hearted fooling around is not enough though. To really walk the path, one must be devoted, persistent, committed to their ‘folly’. But ‘folly’ in this sense is not about being stupid, reckless, and unhinged, though it may very well seem that way to normal folk, it’s about indulging your creativity, being playful and having faith. The fool wears his heart on his sleeve, and is always depicted as a young man looking upward to the sky and about to walk off the edge of a cliff.”
“Like a fusion of the jester and the medicine man, Heyoka provides an air of mystery, amusement, and relief, a friendly contrarian who holds up a mirror to the people by doing everything in reverse of the norm. In doing so, he serves the tribe in ways they didn’t even know they needed, diffusing tensions and balancing emerging polarities.”
“Literature has a lot to say about folly and wisdom, it’s a fundamental axis of growth and an important polarity in story telling. ‘The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool’ ~ Shakespeare Though modesty prohibits me from declaring myself wise, this indefatigable Shakespearean logic dictates that I must be wise because I know myself to be a fool. Thus, I have become inescapably identified with the paradoxical wise fool. The beauty of this is that the wise will see me as wise, and the fools will see me as a fool.”
Maybe there is something to falling for the fiction
I'm in agreement that the social and political narratives are just fiction, illusions meant to distract from natural reality.
I have to push back on two points though. Your claims that viruses don't exist and that we are all ultimately just one consciousness. So I have two challenges for you. If you don't address them then you're a hypocrite. Get a virologist on the Alphacast to show proof, or lack thereof, that viruses exist. Maybe the guy who claims to have invented the pcr test, Robert something. The other is to do one of these substack podcasts on proving we are "just one consciousness". Maybe written so you can do it well instead of rambling your way through it. I've never seen a proof of oneness or one consciousness, or any form of idealism that doesn't make a giant, unsupportable leap in logic or use it's own conclusions to support the arguments. Can you or Barre do better?
Just want to share that I really enjoy all your topics and the way in which you genuinely and authentically share. Some is serious, light hearted, and still others filled with profound insights, wisdom, information, philosophy, personal, family, and the list goes on. I both talk and listen to earn some $ for essentials; and I frequently say to these souls that I'm blessed to share that "I don't have a script". I hope you don't change anything! When you're in the car, you probably aren't looking at any notes while driving, so free-flowing and spontaenous which is awesome. Truth, nature/natural (real) consciousness...! I mentioned before that the car casts are so great, because they have that feel of you 'in motion' and in nature; and you are genuine and passionate energy in motion sharing so generously with all the time you invest listening and processing so much, and it is awesome. I really like the sounds; this cast the rain sounded like -Sizzzle- (i.e. a pan with EVOO heated high, and in went some veggies :)
I feel the same that Musk with DOGE he 'lacks proper process', and also with the 'weird-ness'. From a trusted source; I did hear that he will have access 'on the inside' for a 'US citizen Identity Grab'; and that he will hire many tech people to grab and go with it. Likely I'm thinking he will use it for his company that is creating the 'brain chip' 🙄 Yeah right on about 'Tony Stark"! It felt really off to me before, and especially during the "why aren't you wearing a suit" riff. That's when it was absolute theater. I had heard a while back before Trump/Vance were in; that Z was a theater actor and he also 'did some 'dancing'. The excessive amount of 'I'm sorry'/apologies to the United States feel odd. You hadn't said the name before and then said Stew Peters yesterday. I watched him a bit in the early stages; until he went fully ballistic so it's been years. I can't imagine sitting through listening to him in that tone of voice he uses. You mentioned someone named Jeff; I think it may be the same person that was in the community group near Lancaster PA I mentioned. I'll recall his last name. He brought Mark Passio (sp?) and his movie to our community place. Jeff also hosts a movie night at a local theater near to there if it's the same one.
Cannot hear it well and too long , rambling..otherwise yes, all actors on stage are front men to lead the world to digital slavery, yes Trump best real prime time TV actor they got. reject tech, reject facial recognition, go back to using CASH ! I even pay property extortion taxes in CASH, every credit card swipe enriches the banksters 3%-5%, kills small business, reject Walmart, Amazon online shopping, on line banking etc we need practical resistance , reject airport screenings, REAL id, etc
There are so many ways it wouldn’t make sense for him to be, he doesn’t benefit and I think he was genuinely upset. He’s def not that good an actor. Im not left or right, and im in between germ and terrain theory. As in I think freely.
Www.VirusTruth.NET germs dont cause illness, only chemical toxins do, or starvation malnutrition. Rx drugs and over counter drugs are chemical toxins, vitamins are chemicals, not food.
"We live in a commercialized, fictional world" - Amazing how hard this is for individuals to understand. The number of people I know who've been talking about the latest episode of "The Trump show" is mind boggling. All that wasted energy. I still find it hard to believe they think it's real.
“Oh please don’t create cognitive dissonance. I’ve had a good run. I can’t be a fool. If what you’re saying is true, then I’ve been fooled!”
That's why they ask us what's our "fool name" not full name.
In all upper case.
after a few episodes of hearing the intro, now i finally understand that we are in the land of plenty, we just gotta find the right places to exercise our true life currency (not the fiat currency)!
I did think the Trump Zelenskyy thing as a show but I feel Zelenskyy wasn’t in on it.
Anyone on the govt TV stage is in on it.
I’m 75% confident they rehearsed the scene.
Falling for the fiction or falling for the fool. Or as Mark Twain tells us, "The only difference between reality and fiction, is that fiction needs to be credible."
The following are quotes from Steven Young explaining the title of his book, A Fool's Wisdom.
Maybe this reminds us of a prominent political figure we know?
‘If the fool shall persist in his folly he shall become wise’ ~ William Blake
“We see this character of the Fool as a central figure in the Tarot, also known as The Book of Wisdom, in which the Fool is the first card in the deck (technically the zero card, corresponding with The Joker in the standard playing cards). The major Arcana represents a spiritual journey, the quest for divine secrets and mysteries, and the Fool is the first step on this path to wisdom. Occasional or half-hearted fooling around is not enough though. To really walk the path, one must be devoted, persistent, committed to their ‘folly’. But ‘folly’ in this sense is not about being stupid, reckless, and unhinged, though it may very well seem that way to normal folk, it’s about indulging your creativity, being playful and having faith. The fool wears his heart on his sleeve, and is always depicted as a young man looking upward to the sky and about to walk off the edge of a cliff.”
“Like a fusion of the jester and the medicine man, Heyoka provides an air of mystery, amusement, and relief, a friendly contrarian who holds up a mirror to the people by doing everything in reverse of the norm. In doing so, he serves the tribe in ways they didn’t even know they needed, diffusing tensions and balancing emerging polarities.”
“Literature has a lot to say about folly and wisdom, it’s a fundamental axis of growth and an important polarity in story telling. ‘The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool’ ~ Shakespeare Though modesty prohibits me from declaring myself wise, this indefatigable Shakespearean logic dictates that I must be wise because I know myself to be a fool. Thus, I have become inescapably identified with the paradoxical wise fool. The beauty of this is that the wise will see me as wise, and the fools will see me as a fool.”
Maybe there is something to falling for the fiction
And the whole "fake space" thing... sheeple get excited they found life on Mars, but an unborn baby in the womb isn't life.
I'm in agreement that the social and political narratives are just fiction, illusions meant to distract from natural reality.
I have to push back on two points though. Your claims that viruses don't exist and that we are all ultimately just one consciousness. So I have two challenges for you. If you don't address them then you're a hypocrite. Get a virologist on the Alphacast to show proof, or lack thereof, that viruses exist. Maybe the guy who claims to have invented the pcr test, Robert something. The other is to do one of these substack podcasts on proving we are "just one consciousness". Maybe written so you can do it well instead of rambling your way through it. I've never seen a proof of oneness or one consciousness, or any form of idealism that doesn't make a giant, unsupportable leap in logic or use it's own conclusions to support the arguments. Can you or Barre do better?
Gauntlet is down.
Just wish I could find 1 real person with a functional brain and heart near me to just talk to!
Just want to share that I really enjoy all your topics and the way in which you genuinely and authentically share. Some is serious, light hearted, and still others filled with profound insights, wisdom, information, philosophy, personal, family, and the list goes on. I both talk and listen to earn some $ for essentials; and I frequently say to these souls that I'm blessed to share that "I don't have a script". I hope you don't change anything! When you're in the car, you probably aren't looking at any notes while driving, so free-flowing and spontaenous which is awesome. Truth, nature/natural (real) consciousness...! I mentioned before that the car casts are so great, because they have that feel of you 'in motion' and in nature; and you are genuine and passionate energy in motion sharing so generously with all the time you invest listening and processing so much, and it is awesome. I really like the sounds; this cast the rain sounded like -Sizzzle- (i.e. a pan with EVOO heated high, and in went some veggies :)
I feel the same that Musk with DOGE he 'lacks proper process', and also with the 'weird-ness'. From a trusted source; I did hear that he will have access 'on the inside' for a 'US citizen Identity Grab'; and that he will hire many tech people to grab and go with it. Likely I'm thinking he will use it for his company that is creating the 'brain chip' 🙄 Yeah right on about 'Tony Stark"! It felt really off to me before, and especially during the "why aren't you wearing a suit" riff. That's when it was absolute theater. I had heard a while back before Trump/Vance were in; that Z was a theater actor and he also 'did some 'dancing'. The excessive amount of 'I'm sorry'/apologies to the United States feel odd. You hadn't said the name before and then said Stew Peters yesterday. I watched him a bit in the early stages; until he went fully ballistic so it's been years. I can't imagine sitting through listening to him in that tone of voice he uses. You mentioned someone named Jeff; I think it may be the same person that was in the community group near Lancaster PA I mentioned. I'll recall his last name. He brought Mark Passio (sp?) and his movie to our community place. Jeff also hosts a movie night at a local theater near to there if it's the same one.
Cannot hear it well and too long , rambling..otherwise yes, all actors on stage are front men to lead the world to digital slavery, yes Trump best real prime time TV actor they got. reject tech, reject facial recognition, go back to using CASH ! I even pay property extortion taxes in CASH, every credit card swipe enriches the banksters 3%-5%, kills small business, reject Walmart, Amazon online shopping, on line banking etc we need practical resistance , reject airport screenings, REAL id, etc
There are so many ways it wouldn’t make sense for him to be, he doesn’t benefit and I think he was genuinely upset. He’s def not that good an actor. Im not left or right, and im in between germ and terrain theory. As in I think freely.
How many of the three have been trained as actors?
Www.VirusTruth.NET germs dont cause illness, only chemical toxins do, or starvation malnutrition. Rx drugs and over counter drugs are chemical toxins, vitamins are chemicals, not food.