Thanks so much for the shout-out, Mike! Long Island NY is currently having a fire, and tomorrow will be windy there again. The Carolinas have seen so much flood, freeze, snow, and now fire, and it's still winter! Whether it's for resources, smart cities, or corralling people out of the Wildland Urban Interface, it's all intentional. In response, we set our own intentions that people become aware and empowered.

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Always my pleasure Shane! Keep crushing brother

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I just saw a fire alert🔥 for my hood 30 minutes northwest of downtown Philly. I'm right at multiple trail heads into Fairmount Park and Wissahickan Creek State Park so fingers crossed 😬 The plans for Music and Sky Village are amazing!! I'm with you at 6 hours max sleep. a doer, and staying in balance with my own activities that feed my soul, spirit and body; and enJOYment in healthy forms: because how will we have the conscious state of Being to create; give our unique gifts to each other; and serve the highest good for a community that wants a life grown from the seeds of love, kindness, and generosity. We need to be in harmony within ourselves to collaborate as a community in those acts of Being and Doing; in order to be of service to others!! This is generosity, the opposite of greed. I feel you on the gaslighting i.e. grifter comments 🤨 which comes from those persons who need to cut the heads off of others to make themselves taller. The more light that shines from our integrity and light; those who are unconscious, critical, and need to put others down to feel power (not worth); will yield their swords of judgement and cut deep. Great you block them; because each of us that are aligned with the commitment to create the experience that is from the seeds of abundance, love, generosity, and light; feel the same aversion to these unconscious individuals you do as we read that BS!!

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Thanks Sherri! Sending some protective elementals your way for the fire warnings as well…

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Aussie's have "Tall Poppy Syndrome" is how Tom has described it, I fully agree... thanq for all the seen & unseen that you do within the integrity of your heart !!!! ♡☆

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Yes! ❤️

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I find you the very opposite of being a grifter you are even productive talking to an audience while driving to snowboarding . And just before I heard you say what productivity you have accomplished with Afla vedic I had written a paragraph to you stating that , i mean stating all that I am saying now and some how it deleted with my clumsy typing.. That low life putting you down for being of the grift status is in some kind of misdirected reality. You are great ad a very positive individual, Mike !

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Thanks brother! Much love

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Can’t wait to meet you!!! Let’s do this!

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Hit me up Mike! I’d love to talk about what kind of help y’all need. My job is definitely not sustainable.

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We’re getting there!

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Excellent podcast Mike - safe travels to the Carolinas!

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check out climateviewer.org and Jim Lee for a more grounded viewpoint on 'climate change', chemtrails, weather modification, geoengineering--

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Jim is great! He’s even in our private membership site at Alfa Vedic. Solid researcher

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. . and a s. Carolinian. Welcome to NC--I live in Swannanoa, outside Asheville . . you'll get to see what a lovely and blessed place this is, and will be again.

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I hope you can join us if only for a day! We offer day passes as well!

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Yup - that was where I learned about it myself. It was him being interviewed on Del BigTree's show.

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Snow Camp build kickers close to camp Hang your food though; bring 20 degree warmer sleeping bags and four season tents and tarps to block wind around four season tents.

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Ivermectin can cause infertility if used frequently

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I did a deep dive into Dane ... not sure like you - about that guy

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