I love decreeing the turning of the storm. We do have the power but the dark ones have fooled us in to believing we have none. It is so obvious to see what they are doing with this storm and thank you for connecting the dots to Milton's Paradise Lost. Interesting to think that as early as 1946 Curtis Talbot's (GE researcher) created the first man made snow storm in Schenectady NY to be used as a cold war weapon. Covid woke us up and was their trial run.

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we certainly do and the centuries we have been disempowered tricked and deceived,submitting to trinkets and trauma assures me it is long past the time to remove our attention FROM the machinations manipulations and invoke the power of our words and activate The Strength The Most High breathed into every single one of US. we cannot submit to the amnesia program. we MUST tell our stories,wary of the stories advertised to us on the first 100 pages of google etc etc.

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Love your take on things Mike.. We must always rem our power!!

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Very well articulated Mike…the manifested and the non manifested is hard to explain but you wrapped it up beautifully!

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I instantly thought of Paradise Lost with this hurricane,they used Milton as a fire ritual in 2018 in California as well, so I’m always on guard.

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hi mike, thank you so much for the ferociously nourishing decree! i wonder if you could print it out here. i can get it out w/feeling better if i don't have to be creating thoughts at the same time. is that kosher? anyways, really resonate w/your energy and road map back to our innate power here. much love.

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Ok yes I’ll add the text into a note here soon!

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Could you add the text to this page when you have a chance?

I can't access notes.

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i'm on your team-working on this now- i call in the wind - and the wind comes to me everyday- i stare at the pulsar sun in the morning- i've 'seen' sierra blue and dissipated the scum in the sky- from sonoma to the golden gate from bolinas to oakland hills- wherever i can envision in my area- it works!

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The only thing Id say instead of we have the power is

We ARE the power!!

Thanks for this reminder!!!

We are energy body ourselves, with direct focus ONE can change everything.

WE are the one!!

This is good stuff 👏

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I Am a much "older woman" who has spent many years studying, decrying and honoring those Beings who are helping us. To hear a young man such as yourself speaking with such an open heart and clarity makes my heart sing! Everything you brought into this pod cast is "Right On", as they say! I honor you and your work to bring us all together. The Ascension of this planet into the higher realms of consciousness is assured. I am at peace knowing so many people are truly waking up and not only seeing the Light but working with it to bring us into a new earth.

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🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 great sharing! Thank you! Short and sweet, as it were…. Your reminders are deep and moving. I will definitely move through my day today with a deeper awareness.

Your sharing always gets my creative juices flowing!

Grazie Mille,


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I woke up after receiving a message in my dream which I interpreted as a call to enter a meditation to redirect and downgrade Milton.

Deep gratitude for this post which was continued affirmation.

Thank you and Alfacast for the insights, knowledge, & wisdom.

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Beautiful! Thank You Mike

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Love the new Rings of Power and I'm not a purist to the books, but I also say that it so shows Sauron as the evil force using mind control to get middle earth to destroy each other. Also,it does a great job of showing how one wakes up to the loneliness of realizing that people are so hypnotized by the darkness...and willing to serve it. Thanks for your words, and yes, I can hear the trees, the ley lines, etc.... they woke me up in the forest place. (Meant to type first,but seems appropriate. )

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It's great to have words to DECREE for weaving ourselves back into Nature's fold. Raise one 🍻🥃🍶to WICCE!

Back to Avalon & all the Sacred pkaces EArthwide.

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is anyone here familiar w/the work of reinette senum re geo-engineering, suits and notices of liability? there is an on-line update tonight at 6pm. COMING RIGHT UP. https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/p/the-smoking-gun-evidence-of-engineered?publication_id=943736&post_id=149984732&r=p0eth&triedRedirect=true

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Yep! She’s a friend and spoke to this on main stage Fri night at Music & Sky this year! Powerful woman that one 🙌

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Excellent stuff Mike. Refreshing to hear others calling this out for what it truly is.

Not sure if you've done anything on AI , if not look forward to hearing it.

Greg Braden speaks to how we need to fully understand our humanness before "they" take it away.

Unified Consciousness can move planets and "they" know this.

Great conversation, thanks for sharing 💯

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