Nov 16Liked by Mike Winner

'Tal OF Two Cities' . . . I think that's the one that features revolutionary knitter, Madam LaFarge

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Nov 16Liked by Mike Winner

"tr" . . often indicates 3 . . . truth, triad, (a) trust, tricycle, triangle et al

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We can't express love in the trinity of truth, love and freedom, if we are not challenged. I would like to see "truth seekers" challenge each other. I am very controversial and trigger people a lot. I feel that as another truther, I can say things the way I see them without the coddling. I like to see how much love and light they're made of! We're ok to use this money system IF! If we are also using an alternative money system, not one that appreciates and depreciates however as that is the staying in the same paradigm (that's why bitcoin won't change anything). You're working on Qortal and I so wish that would get off the ground. It aligns beautifully with my criteria and the values I have written about. I always like to say "all we need is love...and software!" and we can do anything!

What I'm going to say next will probably trigger you and others but I don't want it to. I want to express how frustrating it is as a thinking woman to only hear men's stories. Notice throughout your talk tonight, it was all about male characters. The way we see everything in this paradigm is solely through the male lens. It irks me no end however, I realize everyone is blinded to this and so I feel it my obligation to speak about it even though simply using this language cannot convey the concepts that come from "the other side", from the feminine side. Women have almost lost the feminine because of being trained for so long in patriarchy. And it breaks my heart and sometimes I feel I am the one holding it up, because the women who see it the way I do retire from speaking as they know the flak they will get.

I will keep pressing on however as these concepts are essential to know and thus I get accused of aggression (if you're a woman and maintain a point and don't back down, it seems like aggression) For generations, eons, we have only had male stories and male interpretations. To go forward we need both and we need to hear from women now. But women are reluctant to come out and speak. They need to be coaxed because it's so important to hear from women as they are the circuit to nature. It's so droll to hear about politics and religion, all male concepts and constructs, a male god, a sole creator, which is a puerile way to see it as who creates alone? Where is Mrs God? Once it can be seen how we really are which is everyone is part of the puzzle of life or the tapestry of life and no one, not one species or person is more important. It's our interpretations that need adjustment. We need to hear from the other side because without it, we are unbalanced and thus doomed. But if we do it, we can come right out of this by the middle of next year!

The occult is nothing to fear alright. So many things were put in our way to tinker with our fascination and distract us from the right path. The occult knows three things that we don't know and which is fundamental to know. They kept these hidden. They are simple and right under our nose.

1. I create what I speak (and think about mostly)

2. Attention is like electricity, we grow whatever we put our attention to (even "negative" attention)

3. As below, so above (they inverted it) but it's really as below so above, what the individuals do and where the numbers favor, is what we see prevail on the world stage. The violence we see and the obnoxiousness is because that is the way we are to each other on the whole and thus it is projected on "the big stage" and amplified. Made more grotesque if it isn't right in its fundamentals.

A quality consensus can easily be determined. We need to experiment with these new concepts. Politics is utterly cartoonish and it makes me cringe that we even talk about those circus clowns. Our total attention needs to go on building the new paradigm. People who want to grovel in politics that's their choice but I want to make it known that it is totally playing with people's emotions and minds.

We need to have incisive talks and start brainstorming about how we can move out of this labyrinth. We need as many as possible to start talking and hearing from others, not keeping it a "closed shop" just with thought leaders although it would be great to hear their ideas. I'd like to arrange this.

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I jumped to the comments before listening to the podcast which I still have yet to do but couldn't hold back commenting because what you have said is something I've been saying for a very long time! We have been so conditioned as women from the time we were girls to accept language that excluded us on the pretense that even though everything was in the male tense it included us too. Words like mankind, narratives that are always talking to and coming from the male, HIS story which conveniently overlooks most of the achievements of women and even steals from the woman to give to the man, including the woman's identity when "the man takes a wife" and she becomes Mrs. his name.

Imagine if the word woman was the default word for humankind and men were just expected to assume it meant them as well. Instead of "all men are created equal" (what a joke) it were to say "all women are created equal" and men had to fit that to mean it also applied to them. There seems to be such an identity crisis among men, many of whom aren't sure if they are men or women! Well, imagine how it must be for women to form an identity with all of the male dominated language that we must contort to along with the hierarchies which are mostly all male from the "Godhead" on down to the political and cultural structures.

Speaking of which, today, the day I write this, may be the day that our country (the USA) can change that structure by electing our very first woman President. And if that doesn't happen, the writing is on the wall as women will fall back into the obscurity of the past when Project 2025 puts us back under the total domination of the male. Males, can you even attempt to imagine what it would be like if it were your gender that was so dominated by total female control? Of course not! But the day will come whether it comes today or sometime in the future that the female will no longer be kept down. And when that day comes along with the positive changes it will bring, you males will ask what is was that you all had been so afraid of. I hope that day comes before the male destroys what is left of the beautiful natural world, the organic world which women have lived in harmony with throughout the centuries as life givers, just like mother earth, not life takers like the male deities who demand blood sacrifices. I hope the time is now for women to rise and for males to unite with the female in unified power to bring back the balance that had been lost when male deities resulted in the unbalance of Patriarchy! Males give us a chance. You won't be disappointed.

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I just gave an example of a female, Galadriel, the commander of the Elf army. ❤️ Maybe you can share some too? Their his-story is dominated by the masculine..... funny how they call it history his-story. In Tartarian research, many of the Goddess statues were destroyed by whoever or whatever has infiltrated and we know Ghisane Maxwell's father was the publisher of public school books. I've never read Dickens, but funny, I recently heard critics of all these writer's narratives. I can't judge I haven't read them... but Mike is a dude so he'll probably use dude examples lol.

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Nice one. Rings of Power (my favorite ever) Galadriel says to "form 3 rings because, 1 corrupts, 2 divides, and 3 brings balance." That series really shows the dark force, the brainwashed masses, etc. Highly recommend it.

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Religion stirs up separation, Race brings disconnect, Wealth classifies, and Politics divides --- Let us not turn against our self or the other! Standing on our own, enjoying self and viewing the weak force they apply as it crumbles into nothingness .... and grow strong in our own power to stay in self ... give it up for the 3! yay! Me, Myself, and I

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